One great thing about this time of year is defnitely the Shamrock Shakes at McDonald's. I've had more than a few since they came to Albion, and we quickly found that our daughter was also a huge fan (shocking, I know). It's been a while since I've posted anything. It's not necessarily because I'm so busy, but more to do with the fact that I don't really think of anything that we do as noteworthy to publish on line. But, I still have people asking me about it, so I should probably try to be better about posting more regularly. I'm not promising twice a week or anything, but definitely more than once every three months. The biggest thing on my mind right now really is how to get rid of the ridiculous multi-colored asian lady beetles that seem to have invaded our house. Yesterday I vacuumed up probably close to a thousand (in the house...YUCK) and they were still crawling around 20 minutes later. I can't take it. My mental health depends on getti...