The Alphabet Block

I love Halloween. Seriously, just when I think my kids couldn't get any cuter, there is a day where I get to dress them up in costumes. If you think that I have my mom goggles on, you're right. In my mind, my kids are cute and smart and wonderful as can be...but if their mom doesn't think that, something's wrong, right?

What could my son be for Halloween? I mulled it over. As I was unpacking chemicals in my stockroom on an October day, I noticed that one of the boxes I was packing looked perfectly one of Breslin's alphabet blocks.

A coat of white spray paint and a couple of posterboard A's later, my son was an alphabet block. Talk about love at first sight. He puts it on at least once a day, which is why I feel justified in posting this now. Take a look.


MikeandJen said…
seriously, that's about the cutest outfit ever, and so perfect for bres-man!
Jessica said…
Adorable!! Love the block!

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