Day 162 -- "Showing Us the Way"
One of my favorite things about the spring is the baccalaureate celebration that takes place the week before graduation. I love the chance to see my seniors in their caps and gowns and to praise God for their arrival to the finish line. For every year since I can remember, I've listened to Western's Select Choir perform the song "Showing Us the Way" by Michael V. Ficocelli. When I was a senior, I even got to sing it at my own baccalaureate. That year, and every year since I have taught at Western, I get choked up listening to the perfectly fitting lyrics of this song. Tonight, on a perfect evening at the Cascades Falls, tears ran down my face as I watched the seniors I taught sing the words of this song to their classmates, parents, teachers, and friends. I smiled and cried a little more as I realized that someday there's a good chance I'll be watching my own kids sing it at their baccalaureate. I had to share it with you. This isn't Western's...
The blog looks great and I love the fact that now we can keep up with stories of Breslin! We'll have to get Sara and Ewan up and running with a blog!
Breslin looks fantastic!
Love ya!
Go State!