Day 62 -- Against All Odds

Today I made a decision that I would start training for a half-Ironman triathlon.  I was super excited to begin.  I picked an event in Benton Harbor (the Whirlpool Ironman 70.3 Steelhead) and mapped out a training program for the next 26 weeks.   I even headed down to the Dean Aquatic Center on Albion College's campus to purchase a 4 month swimming pass.  Today was to be Day 1 of my training.

It's good for me to have an end goal for my exercise.  I am the type of person who needs to be on a program to stay focused and to be consistent.  I haven't had an exercise regimen since I finished the Cleveland Triathlon (a shorter, "sprint" triathlon) in August, so I have been running only sporadically throughout the winter.  Because my mental health seems to be intimately tied to physical activity, I knew that I had to make a change here.  Not focused and consistent physically was definitely resulting in being unfocused and inconsistent mentally.

It seemed from the get-go that it was going to be difficult to get started today.  It took my husband a full half an hour to get enough ice off of the van for me to drive to the Dean Aquatic Center.  And then, once I got there, I was told that the person who handles memberships had just gone.  So, I went back to the van, only to find all of the doors frozen closed.  I couldn't get in to drive home, so I walked.  I was thinking that I would just change my training around a bit.  Instead of swimming today, I could run instead.  But as I was walking home, it started to snow.  Hard.  Even walking slowly, I was slipping and sliding all over the place.  I was left with just one option: an Insanity workout inside.  Ick.  Everything in me wanted to just bag the idea.  I had every reason in the world to just start tomorrow.  No one would blame me for not working out today.  These circumstances were out of my control.

But, I wanted to start today.  It was not the easier option, but it was the better one.  In my mind, I saw today as a crossroads.  If I couldn't do this today, how would I do it for 26 weeks?  The simple answer is, I wouldn't.

Only through the encouragement of my husband and the strength of my Lord Jesus Christ was I able to get off of my butt, put the DVD into the player, and pound my way through 40 minutes of pure torture.

As I heaved myself off of the floor after my workout, I smiled.  I did it. 

The Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  This is one of my favorite quotes.  I know that this might seem ridiculous to you, but deciding to train today, taking that first step today and not tomorrow, was a monumental victory for me.  And for that I am thankful.  I am thankful that my legs are shaking with fatigue.  I am grateful for the patience and encouragement my husband showed me today.  And I praise my God for giving me a goal to reach for and the strength to achieve it.

Thank God for completing Day 1 of triathlon training against all odds!

Lord, thank you for giving me the strength to finish Day 1 of triathlon training today.  I know it might not seem like a big deal to some, but to me it was a huge victory.  Thank you for giving me that blessing.  Thank you for blessing me through the encouragement of my husband as well.  Lord, I thank you that I am physically able to undertake such a goal and I pray for you would lend me your courage and strength to see it through.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Kristin said…
I am so proud of you! You are such an inspiration. I wish I got off my but today:0

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