Day 74 -- Working Wiper Blades

Today did not go as I planned.

I had to wake up early this morning to be in Troy, Michigan to judge the Regional gymnastics championship held at Troy High School.  It was raining and gross.  About 10 miles down the road, the windshield wipers were going full speed.  Up, down, up, down! Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!  Up, Down, Up! Silence.

Uh, oh.

My wipers were done.

With pouring, freezing rain coming down, I couldn't see a thing.  I had to slowly drive off of the very next exit, where fortunately, I was able to trade my vehicle for a Sharp family vehicle whose wipers did work. 

I am so thankful that

(a) My inlaws weren't too mad that I called them before 7 am begging for help.

(b) I got to trade my Saturn for their Rendezvous for the day (good trade for me).

(c) I actually still made it to the meet on time.

(d) The rest of the day I had the song "Wiper Blades" by Heywood Banks stuck in my head, which made me think of all the other Heywood Banks songs I love: "Toast", "Fluffy", "Orange Barrels", "18 Wheels on a Big Rig", and "Inches to Miles".

Thank God for working wiper blades!

Lord, thank you so much for helping me get to the meet safely and on time today.  Thank you for my amazing in-laws who were willing to let me borrow a vehicle that would accomplish this.  Thank you also for reminding me of the talent of Haywood Banks who helped me to laugh through this whole situation.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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