Day 131 -- Changing of the Blocks

We have this goofy calendar thing in our kitchen that Colby got as a gift from one of his former 4th grade students several years ago.  It doesn't exactly suit my home decor style, but there is something strangely satisfying about turning the blocks to commemorate the passing of the days and months.

The bottom of the calendar contains three rectangular blocks.  Each block has the name of a month printed on each of its four sides.  When you start a new month, you have to turn the bottom block, and every four months, you have to bring a different block to the front.  Today is one of my favorite days of the year, because when you grab the block for May, you can see that June, July, and August, are printed on its other sides.  You are essentially bring the summer to the front while sending January, February, March, and April packing.

It's like running a race and realizing that you just have to turn one more corner and the finish line will be in sight.  One more turn of that bottom block, and summer will be here!  It's like a silly, ugly, ray of hope in my kitchen.

Thank God for the changing of the blocks!

Lord, thank you for the home stretch.   Thank you for a career that allows me to experience closure in this way. Help me to finish strong in these last days of school, knowing that summer is almost here. In your name I pray, Amen.


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