Day 278 -- Cleaned-out Closets

Leave it to me to take a nice, heart-warming post from my husband and follow it up with something completely inane.

Sometimes, big, sentimental posts overwhelm me.  I could spend hours of my life trying to figure out what to say to honor the really important things and people in my life only to walk away feeling as though I still didn't do it/them justice, despite my best efforts.

Therefore, I give you closets.

I am thankful that every closet in my household has been purged of clothes that do not fit or are out of season.  Today, I finished up this monumental task without totally flipping out.  I even managed to bin up a lot of the stuff that was still nice to take into the consignment store. 

I plan to celebrate by having a larger-than-normal-sized glass of wine and whipping up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Maybe do a dance.

It's a big deal, after all.  And I am so thankful that by the grace of God it was accomplished today.

Thank God for cleaned-out closets!

Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and energy to get something done that has been hanging over our heads lately.  Thank you for making it go smoothly.  Thank you that it is over.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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