Day 322 -- Vanilla Pudding

When we got home from school today, Dharia and I made some instant vanilla pudding.  She loves helping me to make pretty much anything in the kitchen, and pudding is about as easy as it gets for a nearly 3 and a half year old with a domestically-challenged mother.  Dump 2 cups of milk in a bowl, add pudding mix, and stir.  That's all it took, but Dharia enjoyed every step to the fullest, chattering about the colors, sizes, and textures of the ingredients and seeking my affirmation through her many questions (i.e.: "Mommy, look am I doing this right, okay?" and "Mommy, you see how good I am doing this and you be so proud of me?" just to name a couple of examples).

The rest of the night, she was a train wreck of humanity, wailing over the smallest offense and crumbling into tears over seemingly insignificant details or comments.  So, I'm grateful that this one shining moment of joy and serenity sticks out from my time spent with Dharia tonight.

I totally forgot that we had made the pudding and left it in the fridge until Colby just brought me out a little dish of it.  Dharia may be fast asleep, but I am enjoying the results of her hard work in the kitchen.  The pudding is not only cold and creamy, but it makes me smile.  It's the perfect bedtime snack, which I'm thankful for tonight.

Thank God for vanilla pudding!

God, thank you for a simple, delicious snack that I get to eat.  Thank you for the precious moments I got to spend with my daughter today and for her helpful and joyful attitude in the midst of a hectic night.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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