Day 348 -- Spontaneous I Love Yous

Today was filled with spontaneous outbursts of I love you.

My husband says, "Those are great."  And I couldn't agree more.

Dharia has been having to go to the bathroom about 75 times a day for the past couple of days, in what I am fearing is a developing UTI.  During one trip, as she was sitting on the toilet and I was keeping her company, she looked me right in the eye and said, "I love you mommy."  No prompting, not returning the favor, just a heartfelt "I love you" out of nowhere.

As a side note, I also was asked to be her best friend today, which I thought was so cool.  I wonder how long that will last...

I also got to hear spontaneous declarations of love from Breslin several times today.  Of all the kids, he is the one I'd say is most likely to do this.  So, while it was awesome, it wasn't that unusual.  What was cool, however, was when he came up to Dharia before she went to bed and said it to her.  Then, he said, "I'll see you in the morning, kitty, ok?  It's almost Christmas!" and then proceeded to plant an enormous kiss right on her cheek.  It was sweet beyond words.

And then there's little AJ.  When she tells me she loves me, it comes out as "Iwuvumomma?" and it melts my heart every time.  With all the I love you's flying around today, she joined in by parroting her older brother and sister.  So, while it's genuine spontaneity may be suspect, it was wonderful nonetheless.

Thank God for spontaneous I love yous!

Lord, thank you for my family.  Thank you for the love we felt for each other today.  Thank you that we feel free to express this love to each other and for the way it makes us feel.  Please help me to show my children I love them every day.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Kristin said…
I LOVE YOU ALAINA! No really. So glad we are friends, so glad that I got to see your sweet face today and so glad that we WILL hang out soon!
Jim said…
makes me cry. love you guys...
Joyce said…
Children are wonderful and full on love.
Suzanne Gibbs said…
I just love the picture and video your description puts in my head. I love you!

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