Day 349 -- A Letter to Santa

Here is the letter Breslin wrote to Santa at preschool today, as translated by me:

"Dear Santa,

Please bring me a B is for bird shirt.

So I love you Santa.

A shirt that fits me....

What is your favorite food?

Why do you have elfs?

I-Z-Z-Y splls izzy.

Santa, O is a vowel.

B for Breslin when you give me presents.



Have I mentioned how awesome I think this kid is?

I LOVE that he wants to tell Santa that O is a vowel.  Just in case he didn't know.  And that he should use a B for Breslin when he gives him presents.  Just so there's no confusion.

And just so that he doesn't sound too self-centered, he throws in a couple of questions that make it appear as though he really cares about Santa beyond simply his role as present-bringer.  Maybe he thought that Santa gets sick of all the milk and cookies, but keeps eating them for tradition's sake.  Maybe Santa's favorite food is really Sweet and Sour Pork or a bean burrito that he grabs on his way through the Taco bell drive through.  I mean, who knows?  And who has the care and wherewithal to ask, but my Breslin?

In stark contrast, the letters (plural) that Dharia wrote to Santa have no letters or request.  Most of them contain vicious scribbling.  One contains a multitude of haphazard staples directly through what should be the body of the letter.  I'm not sure what that's saying to Santa, but if I had to put my money on one of my kids getting coal this year, I'd say without a doubt it would be Dharia.  Maybe she figured if the guy wasn't going to get her presents, she'd at least let him know how she felt about the whole system in no uncertain terms.

I'm guessing Dharia's multi-pack of mutilated Santa letters took less than a minute to create.  Whereas Breslin's document represents at least an hour's worth of painstaking work, where he no doubt peppered his poor preschool teacher with questions such as how to spell the word "favorite" and "vowel"...and "izzy".

I'm thankful for my kids.  Once again, I am in awe of how two kids made from the same two sets of genetic material can turn out so wildly different.  And I'm grateful for the opportunity to laugh.  I'm proud of Breslin for his hard work on his Santa letter and for what I'm sure is nothing less than a genuine love and concern for Santa.

I got a renewed sense of gratitude for the little people that my kids are turning out to be tonight.  God has truly blessed me through them every day, and for that I am so thankful.

Thank God for a letter to Santa!

God, thank you for Breslin's letter and for the hard-work and diligence that it represents.  Thank you for giving me my kids and for reminding me what blessings they bring to my life tonight.  Help me not to take these blessings for granted when things get crazy.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Suzanne Gibbs said…
What a wonderful story! Thanks!!! :)
Joyce said…
Somehow Santa has already come to our house and left presents with Bres, Lou Lou and AJ's name on them.

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