Day 439 -- Dunkoomummah

It turns out that I have quite the polite little girl.  I have been noticing that quite often when I get her something, she replies with a very cute, "Dunkoomummah", which I translate as "Thank you, momma."

It melts my heart so completely that I find myself wanting to bring her things just so I can hear it over and over again.

Tonight I managed to get a small clip of her saying it; although she is totally prompted, the Alphabeasts make a short cameo, so all-in-all, the video merits posting.  I love that Dharia has to have Colby remind her of her monster's name.

Thank God for dunkoomummah!

Lord, thank you for my sweet little girl.  Thank you that she has a sweet heart and is so polite.  Thank you for the chance we got to hang out tonight.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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