Day 467 -- Everything's Right

It seemed like everything was going wrong.

Colby and I were off to a "romantic" getaway in Frankenmuth, Michigan.

Ummm, don't rob my house,  okay?  We're not there, but my mom and Bob are there and they are pretty tough.

Colby and I argued all the way to Birch Run.

Then, we couldn't get in our room because no one could get us a room key that would actually let us in our room.  I thought that was pretty much the sole purpose of room keys, but whatever.

Then, the key to our Saturn wouldn't turn in the steering column after dinner.  We had to walk back to the hotel.

This wasn't my idea of the perfect trip, by any stretch of the imagination.  I was on the verge of throwing a complete pity party for myself (you were invited by the way)...

...when I booted up the computer to write my post, I was greeted by this picture:

...when I looked over, and saw my husband, who I've loved every second for the past 12 years.

...when I felt my belly, which was extremely full of fried chicken from the Bavarian Inn.

...when I turned on the hot tub, and got excited to dunk myself in the warm water.

...when I remembered that my mom and Bob loved me enough to come to Albion, stay the night in a different house, and take the day off of work to be with my kids.

And I realized, everything's not going wrong.  Everything's right.  I have three healthy kids, a husband who loves me, plenty to eat, and a safe place to sleep at night.

Things don't always go perfectly, but that's no reason to pout.  I have everything I need and so much more.  Everything that truly matters is just fine.  I'm so grateful that God helped me to see that tonight.

Thank God everything's right!

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me perspective tonight.  Please help the rest of our trip to go smoothly. If it's your will, please help our car to start tomorrow.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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