Day 494 -- Good Hair Day

I wore my hair down to school today.  Well, let me back up.  I showered after working out last night, and I used this as an excuse to not shower this morning.  So, instead I slept in an extra 15 minutes, which means I didn't go to school with wet hair.  I actually put some hot rollers in my already-dry hair and did not put it up in a ponytail.  I guess if you consider that "doing" your hair, then I actually did my hair this morning.

You would not believe how many people gave me compliments about my hair.  It happened almost every hour of the day and they came from students and teachers.  It made me feel nice.  Shoot, I guess I was due.

This picture was originally going to be of me and my nice hair, but instead ended up as multiple pictures of me with both girls in my lap trying to get a picture with all of us in it at once. 
It's probably much better than any picture I could have taken of just me, regardless of how nice my hair was looking.

Thank God for my good hair day! 

Dear God, thank you for the boost to my confidence today.  Thank you that students and teachers didn't feel like I looked like a total slob at school.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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