Day 572 -- The Uncles
Cole Brady and Cal Riley are Colby's youngest brothers. Cole was born during my sophomore year of college and Cal was just a tiny baby at my wedding, so I have literally watched them grow up. They are now entering their fourth grade year at Warner Elementary.
These boys are the most amazing uncles to our kids, and let me tell you; Breslin, Dharia, and AJ adore them.
They are always excited to see my kids, and my kids are equally excited to see them. What I have been most suprised to see, however, is how much Cole and Cal are willing to help and watch over their neices and nephews. It's like even at this early age, they boys have developed an uncle-like protectiveness. I have watched them gently push AJ in the swing, play a relaxed, easy game of catch with Breslin, and stand behind Dharia as she climbed up the steep stairs to a big slide.
Since I had made such excellent progress on my packing this morning (and our house was unbearably hot), we made a spontaneous decision to visit the Nixon water park for a few hours. Grandma Sharp and the "boys", as we call them, met us there. It was really sweet to watch Cole follow one of my kids around the pool and Cal another -- just making sure that the little ones weren't going in water or falling off the edge of the pool. My kids ate up the one-on-one attention from these uncles they look up to so much. I even overheard Dharia saying "Uncle! Uncle!" at one point when she was trying to get Cal's attention.
Thank God for the Uncles!
God, thank you for Cole and Cal. Thank you for the joy they bring to my kids' lives and for the help they are always so willing to offer. In your name I pray, Amen.
Had to include some cute pictures I got during the day too, of course: