Day 585 -- Dear Dharia Lou

To my dear, sweet, Dharia Lou,

You are four today.  And even though that seems pretty little, you are very wise.  You have taught me many things and there are many things about you that I hope never, ever change about you:

  • I hope you are always the first person to start dancing when music comes on.
  • I hope you are always the first person to ask someone "What's wrong?" when you see that they are sad.
  • I hope you are always up for and enthusiastic about any adventure, no matter how mundane.  You even make going to the grocery store fun.
  • I hope you are always as comfortable in your own skin as you are now. 
  • I hope you hug hello and goodbye with the same reckless abandon.
  • I hope your hair is never quite perfect.
  • I hope that you always wear dresses when shorts would be just fine.
  • I hope you know when it's okay to boss people around.
  • I hope you always love a good party.
  • I hope you always sleep like a rock.
  • I hope that I will always be your best friend (even though I know I probably won't be).
  • I hope that tomorrow will always be any and every day that comes after today.
  • I hope that accessories are just as or more important than the outfit itself.
  • I hope you always have that special talent for giving people a hard time.
  • I hope that you are never scared to try anything.
  • I hope you always wear your heart on your sleeve and never hide how you feel.
  • I hope you always know how beautiful, captivating, fun, and wonderfully loved you are. 

You are my heart, walking around outside of me.  I am so proud to be your mom and so crazily excited that I get to be a part of your life.  I can't wait to see how it all turns out.



Thank God for my dear Dharia Lou, who turned four today!

God, thank you for Dharia and for giving her to me four years ago.  Please help me to be a good mom to her, to love her in a way that honors you and helps her to become the person you desire her to be.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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