Day 657 -- Just Close

On the way to daycare this morning, the girls and I were waiting to turn left from M-60 into the parking lot of Heaven's Little Helpers. In the early morning there is a lot of oncoming traffic, so we sometimes have to wait a while to be able to turn. This morning as we were waiting I heard a loud banging-crunch behind me. When I anxiously looked back in my rear view mirror I saw that the car stopped behind me had been rear-ended by the car coming up behind us. By the grace of God, we weren't even touched.

Now, I am absolutely not saying that I am happy someone else got in an accident. But I am so unbelievably thankful my van (with my two beautiful girls sitting in the back) was not rear-ended this morning.  Once again, God's protection was with us and were just close to an accident as opposed to in an accident.

It was scary, but I am so grateful that God was watching over us, keeping us safe.

Thank God for just close!

Lord, thank you for keeping us out of harm's way this morning.  Thank you for all of the protection you've given us as we drive back and forth to school each day.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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