Day 720 -- Gymnasticsless Tuesday

Beginning this week, Dharia no longer goes to gymnastics on Tuesdays.  We moved her to All-Around Gymnastics in Jackson and, happily, she attends the Saturday morning session.

Tuesdays were becoming unbearably long because of the hoopla that was necessary to get all the kids where they needed to be.  I was rushing from school to get the girls, pick up Breslin from piano lessons, get the kids fed (usually via drive-thru), change Dharia into her leotard, and then sit through a 50 minute gymnastics session while Colby grocery shopped.  Then, we'd drive home, exhausted and go to bed.  There were many Tuesday nights where I was rolling the window down and slapping my cheeks to stay awake on the drive home.  I rarely got to work out or do any school stuff, let alone anything else.  It was becoming a hugely draining exercise. 

Tonight was wonderful.  Even though I had a lot going on after school today (staff meeting, student council responsibilities, etc.) and Breslin still had piano lessons, I was able to get the girls home at a reasonable time, eat dinner with my family, read some books, watch my girls play with Play-Doh, and hang out with them before bed.  I even managed to get in a swim session, which was a blessing in and of itself.

On Saturdays, getting to and from gymnastics just seems so much more manageable.  I hadn't realized how much I dreaded Tuesdays until I noticed the relief that would wash over me every time I remembered we didn't have gymnastics tonight.  I am so thankful for this change in our schedule that allows us a little breathing room while still giving Dharia the opportunity to participate in a sport she loves.

Thank God for our gymnasticsless Tuesday!

Lord, thank you for opening up our Tuesdays in such a perfect way.  Thank you for the quality time we got to spend together tonight because of this and for the relief it brings to our lives.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Avah goes to All Around too, but on Monday's. Totally know what you mean about looong days. :)

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