Day 722 -- Jeopardy

I had a really, really fun fourth hour class today.  We played review Jeopardy and had an absolute riot.  My students seemed really into it, we did a lot of laughing together, and I think it actually helped them review the concepts they'll see on their test tomorrow too.  I was so thankful for a class period that was so much FUN.  It seems like so often during school I am just cramming so many things into one period, that we don't have much time for anything else -- like laughing or playing games.  I didn't feel guilty about doing that today, because it met educational objectives just fine.  My students in this class were extra enthusiastic about and appreciative of the activity too, which made me feel nice, indeed.  I feel extremely blessed to be able to work with this group of very cool students and for the fun we had today in class.

Thank God for Jeopardy!

Lord, thank you for a bright spot in an otherwise dreary and stressful day.  Thank you for the encouragement it provided.  Thank you for the students in my life who bring me joy and who make teaching worthwhile.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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