Day 738 -- Catch Phrase

Tonight we hung out with members of the extended Stuart Clan--namely my Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Stan, their daughter Hannah, my Uncle Mark, and my dad. It is sort of a family tradition that at get-togethers we play some sort of game. Our favorites include "Catch Phrase" and "Wits and Wagers".

This evening we played a couple of very exciting rounds of "Catch Phrase"--guys against girls of course--as the kids watched with great interest. As the evening progressed, we were left with just Colby, the kids, my dad and myself, and the kids were anxious to give "Catch Phrase" a try. We played a pretty simple version of the game, but the kids were cracking us up with their made up clues. For example, once when was handed the game, she said "He wears a red suit and brings everyone a present."

I was thankful tonight to participate in one of my family's unofficial traditions and to share this joy with my children. I got to laugh pretty hard too, which is always a bonus.

Thank God for "Catch Phrase"!

Lord, thank you for a great time with family tonight. Thank you for a tradition that I was able to share with my kids. Thank you for all of the amazing people in our lives who love my kids so much. In your name, Amen.


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