Day 755 -- Chocolate Covered Pretzels...No, Seriously

Tonight I am thankful for being able to eat the best chocolate covered pretzels I have ever had. 

I know that might sound incredibly shallow and ridiculous to you.  If it does, YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL ABOUT CHOCOLATE COVERED PRETZLES. 

I was judging in Coldwater this evening.  Normally at gymnastics meets they put out goodies of one variety or another for us judges, but the spread tonight was out of control.  Jelly Bellies, cupcakes, Chex Mix, and pretzel rods that looked as though they had been hand-dipped in chocolate laid tantalizingly on the table.  I waited in agony at the chocolate covered pretzels, seeing them out of the corner of my eye during each vault. I didn't eat a single one until we had completely finished the event.  Then, while we paused for bars to complete I nabbed one and took a bite.

Seriously.  This chocolate covered pretzel was so good.  It was amazing.

Later on in the night, as I rationed the rest of the pretzels to last the remainder of the evening, I got a chance to talk to the Coldwater High School parent who was responsible for making them.  As I gushed about how excellent I thought they were, she promised to make them for every home meet from here on our.  I was giddy with excitement at the prospect of having these upon every visit to Coldwater.

Then, on the way out, one of my fellow judges offered to let me take her chocolate covered pretzels home.


Such a little thing, but it made my night.  I am thankful for small treats that bring joy and for the thoughtful and considerate parents of the Coldwater gymnasts who made it possible.

Thank God for chocolate covered pretzels!

Lord, thank you for our treats tonight.  Thank you for a good meet and for allowing me to do things I love -- each chocolate and judge gymnastics.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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