Day 817 -- Water Station

Today as I was riding my bike, AJ came into the room and offered me a water bottle.  She said, "Here you go, momma!" with a big ol' grin on her little elfish face.  "Drink yo watter!" she exclaimed as she handed the bottle to me, then turned and walked out of the room.

It was really cute, and pretty funny, especially since (1) Colby wasn't home to help her get the bottle and (2) it was empty.

But, I'm thankful and flattered that my little one was thinking of me!

Thank God for my own tiny water station!  I might not have been any more hydrated after, but it is the thought that counts, right?

Lord, thank you for my sweet girl who does kind and funny things.  Thank you for her heart and for allowing me to be her mom.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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