Day 818 -- Carrot Poking Fight

When we got home from school this afternoon, the kids and I broke out a bag of baby carrots. I gave them some ranch to dip their carrots in, and we had a big ol' time sitting around the kitchen breakfast nook talking about our collective days at school.

 So, yeah...the carrot poking fight. About that.

 It all started when AJ took her little slimy carrot and poked me in the arm with it. It was such a gross sensation, like getting a wet willy on your arm.

 So, being the mature adult that I am, I poked her back with my carrot.

 Soon, we were all poking each other with baby carrots and giggling. We shrieked in delight as we chased each other through the house, wielding baby carrots like swords and shouting "En Garde!"

 It was so silly and random, but mostly fun and refreshing to be able to laugh with my kids after a rather hard and horrible day. Thank God for our carrot poking fight!

Lord, thank you for the emotional lift my kids gave me tonight. Thank you for getting me through today and for giving me the strength to face tomorrow. In your name I pray, Amen.


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