Day 866 -- Not Too Bad

In my litany of blunders and obstacles the past couple of weeks, I twisted my ankle mid-run today.  It was painful, but luckily I was able to at least get back to the school on it; first hobble-running, than somewhat-normally jogging.  Tonight, it is less painful than I imagined it would be, although it is still definitely stiff and sore.  The swelling seems to be minimal as well.

All in all, it wasn't too bad -- absolutely not as bad as it could have been.  I can still run and walk on it and I wasn't stranded in the middle of nowhere.  God looks out for me in the midst of crummy circumstances, and for that I am grateful.

Thank God is wasn't too bad!

Lord, thank you for looking out for me.  Thank you for being good when my circumstances aren't.  Thank you for all of your blessings.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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