Day 877 -- Lilacs

I love lilacs. They are my favorite scent of spring. I love running or biking by a tree on a roadside somewhere and catching a hint of their airy, enticing, floral aroma that somehow seems hopeful and optimistic.

Lately, on the way home I have been stopping to pick massive bouquets on trees and bushes that don't cause me to trespass on private property. I know they won't last much longer, so i stop at every opportunity I get. The result of my maniacal collecting is a smorgasbord of vases full of lilacs scattered throughout my house.

Tonight I'm thankful for the chance to fall asleep inhaling the fresh scent of lilacs next to my bed and for this time of year that bursts with hope and promise.

Thank god for lilacs!

Lord thank you for the beauty you infuse into everything. Thank you for this season and for the new life you breathe into us. In your name, Amen.


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