Day 896 -- T-Ball Season

Tonight rounded out the T-ball season for Breslin and Dharia. I was thankful to watch them play one last time. I was grateful to be able to laugh watching Breslin's antics up at the plate (drawing an arrow for which way to run and performing a Happy Gilmore style swing). I loved being able to catch up with my friend, Karen, and seeing Dharia eat a Taco Bell bean burrito while waiting for her turn at-bat. It made me laugh to hear my kids keep track of the game by counting down the number of outs left until ice cream. It was truly a wonderful experience. And although my kids' top talents would probably not include baseball, I know they had fun and learned a ton. Thank God for t-ball season! Lord, thank you for a fun, healthy activity for my kids to enjoy. Thank you for the many wonderful memories created this season. In your name I pray, Amen.


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