Day 980 -- First Haircut

My Dharia got her first haircut EVER today.  Until this morning, her long hair had never been cut and reached well past her bottom.  It had gotten to the point where she was refusing to take a bath because it was so difficult to brush her hair afterwards, poor thing.

A couple of days ago she looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me she was ready to get it cut.  We had been talking for a while about how if she *did* ever choose to get it cut, that she could send it to a little girl who needed it because they were sick.  I made an appointment and today, I watched with tears in my own eyes as her long ponytail was quickly tied and snipped off.  We ended up being able to send well over 18 inches of hair to "Children with Hair Loss", a Michigan company who provides wigs to sick children in need.

My daughter sat still for the entire duration of the procedure and was elated with her new look.  She couldn't wait to show every one.  I was so proud of her bravery and joy.  I was thankful, more than anything, just to be her mom.

Thank God for her first haircut!

Lord, thank you for being with Dharia and I today.  Thank you for giving us both courage and for all of the joy her new harircut brought to her.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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