Day 986 -- First Day

This momma was a little sad and a lot proud of her three little ducklings today as they started their first days of 1st grade, kindergarten, and preschool, respectively.

A little sad and a lot proud equals extremely emotional.

I can't say much, other than that they all did great.

Breslin was more excited than either Colby and I have ever seen him.

AJ was cool, calm, and collected, showing me around her new room and shooing me away with a hug and kiss goodbye.

Dharia had a bit of a meltdown when she realized that Colby wasn't going to be staying with her in the classroom, but walked by his classroom a couple of hours later and gave him a big thumbs up.

I have some pictures.

Dharia even made the Jackson Citizen Patriot's article about back-to-school.

I am so thankful for my beautiful kiddos, who make like more full and a more satisfying, wonderful adventure.

Thank God for our first day!

Lord, thank you for these kids.  Thank you for helping them to be brave today.  Please be with them every step of the way this upcoming school year.  Please help Colby and I to guide them wisely through each and every turn for your glory and honor.  Amen.


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