Day 1015 -- #RIPColton

I got a phone call this morning that one of my students, junior Colton Aukerman, was killed in a car accident last night.

Colton was in my 4th hour class.  He had an amazing sense of humor, a sweet, polite demeanor, and an enchanting way of making you smile.

Shortly after I initiated "Feel Good Friday", he walked into my classroom super excited to show me this video made me fall in love:

I now sing this song to my girls, but it will now always make me think of this charismatic spirit, who left this world way too soon.

I am thankful for the students at Western, who came together tonight to honor him.  At 5 pm, I watched them paint our spirit rock blue and stand together, comforting each other, praying, and telling stories about their friend and classmate.

I am grateful for the hashtag #RIPColton on twitter, that is allowing them to share their grief and find support in each other.

Mostly, I am grateful for my heavenly Father, who will be the only source of strength I will have to help give these kids what they need this week when my heart is sick with grief.  Thank God who is my comforter, my strength, and the source of peace that passeth all understanding.

Please pray for me.  Pray for my students and fellow staff.  I am heartbroken.  I don't know how this is going to work.  I turn to Jesus for wisdom and strength, not knowing what tomorrow will bring or how I will be able to do what I need to do when it comes.

Thank God for #RIPColton!

Lord, be with all of us at Western High School this week.  Thank you for this outlet that the students have to find strength and support, but help all of us to remember that you are the source of all strength and peace.  Please help me tomorrow as we begin the healing process together.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Rachel said…
Praying for you today Alaina. <3

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