Day 1064 -- Long Swim

Tonight, I did a "double swim".  That is, I did tonight and tomorrow's swim workouts for Ironman training all in one.

It started because I was feeling so great at the end of my first workout that I knew that I could knock out another one.  And then, as I thought about it, I sort of like the idea of not having to go back to the pool after a long day back to school tomorrow.  I already have a very long run scheduled for tomorrow, so now I don't have to also worry about fitting my own swim workout between school, running, and swim lessons.

I came home happy and tired...but mostly happy.

Thank God for a long swim!

Lord, thank you for giving me the strength to swim tonight.  Thank you for the ability to set myself up well for the rest of the week.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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