Day 1114--Time with Breslin

I realized this afternoon that the last time I had seen Breslin when he was awake was Sunday afternoon.

I missed that boy.

So, tonight, with no gymnastics meet, I was thrilled to see him walk in through the door after his piano lesson.  I scooped him up and took him immediately to our big chair to hold him and rock him and get caught up on everything he'd done since Sunday.

To my dismay, the poor boy looked up at me with his big, brown eyes and sadly said, "My tummy hurts."

After a few minutes of rocking, he was pretty much asleep.  I was heartbroken to realize that the time I finally had with him he would be sleeping and sick.

But, I seized the moment.  I carried him up to my room, and snuggled with him underneath the covers in my bed.  For the rest of the night (almost 12 glorious hours), we slept cozied up to one another. 

It wasn't what I had in mind, but it was enough just to be close to him, inhaling his sweet scent and feeling his warmth. 

Thank God for some time with Breslin!

Lord, thank you for giving me time with my son, even if it wasn't in the way I was expecting.  THank you for giving us both the opportunity to rest.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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