Day 1143 -- Karate Love

My son doesn't get too excited about physical activity.

Scratch that.

My son doesn't really like any extra-curricular activities.  At all.

Consequently, I can't fully explain to you the swell of happiness and relief that floods through my chest as I see him falling in love with karate.

Tonight he got his white uniform, which, I'm sorry to say, definitely has some kind of technical name that is escaping me right now.

The pride was radiating off of body like a happy glow.

He is joyfully making plans for getting his colored belts in sequential order.

He is excitedly showing friends, family, and strangers his newly acquired skills.

I am so thankful that my son has something that he can pursue passionately and love fiercely.

Thank God for some karate love!

Lord, thank you for giving Breslin the gift of karate.  I pray that as time passes his love and passion for it would only grow as he strives for excellence.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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