Day 1153 -- Conferences

This is a proud momma.

Tonight I got to hear all about how great my kids are doing at Parma Elementary.

Breslin is making up math problems to share with the class.  That tells me that he is coming out of his shell and is more open to working with his classmates.  He is building relationships instead of doing his own thing all the time.

Dharia is a leader in her class, helping to organize activities in her unique diva-bossy way.  She is more willing to try things that she knows she might not be perfect at yet, like her sight words.

They are growing and improving.  They are becoming more aware and comfortable with who they are as little people, which is awesome, because, well, I think they're pretty amazing.

They aren't perfect angels, but it made my heart swell to hear about how they are each contributing to their classes in their own distinctive way.

Thank God for conferences!

Lord, thank you for the feedback I received tonight.  Thank you for my great kids and for the way they are stretched and encouraged at Parma Elementary.  In your name I pray, Amen.


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