Day 220 -- Applesauce Cookies

The list of things that I can cook or bake is pretty short.

The list of things that I cook or bake well is even shorter.

Applesauce cookies, however, are one thing that I feel pretty confident about making.  My mom taught me how to make them long ago.  I don't even need to look at a recipe to make them.  It makes me feel cool.

Well, I made applesauce cookies yesterday for My Oldest Friend who was having a bake sale to raise money for Alzheimer's research (isn't she amazing?).  The scent of apples and cinnamon and nutmeg lingered throughout my house today and I have been getting a boost hearing my kids request cookies on a near-constant basis.  One of my big worries about being a mom was that I wouldn't have one of those things that my kids ask me to make, like when they come home from college or when they have a bad day.  Now, after watching AJ down three cookies at one sitting, I was pretty sure that I was going to be okay with the applesauce cookies.

The best feeling, though, was today when we visited the bake sale to see my friend.  We brought a jar of change and let Breslin and Dharia each pick out whatever they wanted from the table. 

Can you believe that Breslin chose one of the last remaining bags of my applesauce cookies (he called them "mommy's cookies")?  It made my day.

Thank God for applesauce cookies!

Lord, thank you for a fail-safe recipe that I can make for my family.  Thank you for my mom, who taught it to me.  Thank you for the way applesauce cookies smell and taste.   Thank you for my own kids, who made me feel so great by eating them up.  In your name I pray, Amen.


Al, love this story :) Could I get the recipe? Trying to sneak in good things in cookies for sweet girl :)
Jim said…
That's a great post - thanks! and i love the pictures!
April. said…
We ALL heart those applesauce cookies! :). Thanks again for making them.
Katherine said…
I second the request for the recipe!

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