
Showing posts from September, 2013

Day 1002 -- Dinner with my Family

I'm usually pretty impervious to Mondays.  In fact, I usually enjoy them. But today was no ordinary Monday.  It was one of those Mondays that lasted forever, and NOT in a good way.  Every moment I felt on edge, ready to snap (and I did a few times).  And the entire day I felt as thought I was just barely keeping my head above water. I left the building after 5 pm, didn't get to workout, and trudged to my car feeling overwhelmed and dejected. Add to all of that the fact that Colby decided to go grocery shopping today. Well, poop. I set about making dinner, which consisted of vegan sloppy joes, vegetarian baked beans, and vegetables.  Nothing special, but as it was getting ready, I decided to take it out to the dining room.  The kids, Colby, and I sat around the dinner table, lit some candles and had a nice, healthy, slow dinner together.  The kids made me laugh as they told me about their days and made me feel good while complimenting their dinn...

Day 1001 -- I'm Baaaack!

I didn't think it would be possible, but after less than 2 weeks away from it, I'm missing my blog. So, I'm back. In typical free-spirit fashion, I am purposely not making any rules, nor setting a new goal  -- yet. I just know that being thankful is good, writing daily is cathartic, and at least 3 people who are very important to me have told me that they miss it.  That's enough to persuade me. I'm thankful to declare this today, but I'm thankful for other things too--such as the fact that my three year-old is fast asleep in my lap, snoring contentedly. I'm truly grateful that I decided to get my 20 mile training run in on Friday night after school.  Because even though it was stupid hard, it also meant that I didn't have to do it today. I'm thankful that all three of my kids are freshly bathed and that I've been able to hang out with them at home all day. I'm grateful that I was productive in the morning, which means I don'...

Day 999 -- Stomping on Shadows

This evening Colby and I went out for a quick bite to eat together while my dad watched the kids.  He offered to take them down to Albion's "Festival of the Forks", which Dharia had been itching to get to all day. On our way home, we saw our three kids and my dad standing underneath a street light in the middle of Linden Ave.  When they saw the car coming down the road, they all scattered onto the sidewalk, not realizing it was us. We slowed to a stop next to them, whereupon Breslin exclaimed, "We are looking at our midget shadows!"  Confused, but desperately wanting to see what they were so happy and excited about, I hopped out of the car. They were observing their shadows and how they changed in size as they moved around and away from/toward the streetlight. I don't know how it happened (I blame AJ), but shadow-observing quickly turned into shadow stomping.  Dharia had Breslin cracking up as she danced around on his shadow's belly.  AJ twirled ...

Day 1000 -- Mission Accomplished

I have made it to the end of this 1000 day journey. It's hard to believe it's the end. I feel like I should have some deep, revealing, significant statements to make, but I don't. I feel like I should know what's coming next, but I don't. Mostly, for now, I'm just tired.  I haven't had the chance to process what the end really means for me--if it will really be the end of the blog, or if the rules for the blog will change, or if the blog will continue indefinitely.  I need some more time to think about that. All I know is that 1000 days ago, I felt led to change my attitude.  I believe that over the course of these days I have become more apt to see the good in situations, which has dramatically changed my perspective. Mission accomplished. Thank God! Lord, thank you for this 1000 day journey and for the change it has brought about in me.  Thank you for brining me closer to you through it all.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 998 -- Mr. Sharp

Last night we attended Western's first football game of the season that was truly home.  The new field was finally ready, and we watched from the opposite side of the field as Western took the field with the sound of the drumline in the background. My favorite part of the whole night was hearing Parma Elementary students yell excitedly, "Mr. Sharp!  Mr. Sharp!" as we walked around.  It was the first time we've gone to a Western game that he's had his own students in attendance. I am so thankful that my husband and I are both a part of this district.  It feels so good to be a team. Thank God for Mr. Sharp! Lord, thank you for blessing us with this opportunity to work together.  Thank you for all of the fun we're having because of it.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 997 -- Cruuuuuise

"Baby you're a song,  you make me wanna roll my window down....and CRUUUUUUISE!" I heard it randomly belted out acapella from the backset at 6:45 am.  Even though I was trying to pay attention to my Joyce Meyer audio Bible study, I couldn't help but laugh and then switch over to Spotify so that we could sing it together. In short, it made my day.  I love my little songstress. Thank God for CRUUUUUUUUUUISE! Lord, thank you for my sweet little songstress and for the way she always makes me laugh and smile.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 996 -- Got it Done!


Day 995 -- Coach

I love being a coach. Tonight I watched my boys run a hard-fought battle against Eaton Rapids--and lose by 4.  I watched them give everything and be heartbroken. But I also saw them transform from being fairly terrible last year to contenders this season through hard-work, discipline, and heart.  It made me so proud to watch them fight the whole race through. Tonight I watched my girls run to victory, implementing the strategies we have talked about all season.  My heart swelled when they called me "Sharpie" and I loved them asking me to get in a picture with them after the meet. I feel so blessed that something can bring me so much joy.  I am grateful that I have an opportunity to know these amazing young people outside of just class and that I get to play a role other than just their teacher. It was a beautiful night to run and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this team. Thank God I'm a coach! Lord, thank you for a good night with ...

Day 994 -- Swim

I was thankful to be able to go for a swim tonight.  Things were pretty crazy at home as soon as I walked in the door.  Swimming helped to clear my head and settle my emotions.   I felt calm and powerful when I was done.  I was grateful for the shift in perspective I was given as a result of my pool workout tonight. Thank God for a swim! Lord, thank you for helping me find the center I needed tonight while swimming.  Thank you for giving me the ability to work out and for the way it makes me feel during and after.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 993 -- The Past Week

Have you missed me? I didn't disappear, and I'm not quitting on my 1000 days of thankfulness .  But, during this week, I felt it was important to take a break from blogging.  You see, on Wednesday, there was a tornado that ripped Albion apart.  In addition to destroying many houses, ripping down trees, and breaking telephone poles like toothpicks, the storm left us without power for a couple of days and made it impossible to use the internet at home. Instead of stressing out and trying to write blog posts at school that would be forced and fake, I decided to wait until the Internet was functional at home.  I will choose one moment from the past week to be grateful for and pick up the remaining 7 days as they occur this week. So here we go! On Thursday morning after the storm, I woke up to realize how awful it is to get ready for school with no power.  There was no light to take my shower.  Showering in the dark is weird.  And, to add insult to ...

Day 992 -- Sing Along

Tonight, we had a girls' sing along in AJ's bed.  Before bed, they each wanted me to sing them a song.  AJ was really upset (read: exhausted), so I asked Dharia  if she would lay in bed with her while I sang to them together.  Dharia, naturally, was happy to help, and she hopped up in bed.  My heart melted as she stroked AJ's hair and gave her kisses to calm her down. I started to sing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and by the time I was a couple of phrases in, both girls were belting it out along with me.  It moved me to tears to be tucking in my two beautiful girls, singing together--watching their sweet, expressive faces sing the lyrics with all of their hearts. I am so thankful for this moment tonight. Thank God for our sing along! Lord, thank you for this time singing with my daughters tonight.  Thank you for providing special times like this even in the midst of what seems like chaos.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 991 -- Nothing to Do

For the first time in a long time, we found ourselves as a family with nothing to do this afternoon.  Plans that we had originally scheduled fell through.  At first we were bummed, but as the day progressed and we were able to spend time together blissfully relaxing without the pressure of being in a certain place at a certain time, we began to see how fortunately it worked out. I am so thankful that I was able to wear pajamas for most of the morning and afternoon, get in a long run, watch some football on TV, dust and vacuum, read a book, and snuggle with my kiddos.  After a busy week back to it, the Lord knew I desperately needed this day. Thank God for nothing to do! Lord, thank you for giving us a day with nothing we HAD to get done and nowhere we HAD to be.  Thank you for providing us with exactly what we need exactly when we need it.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 990 -- Breakfast with Coach

I have been coaching cross-country with Coach Wilcox for 5 seasons.  One of my favorite things about coaching with my former coach is our stops for breakfast before Saturday invitationals. Nearly every Saturday that we have a meet, we try to hit a restaurant on the way for a sit-down breakfast.  Today we stopped at the Country Pride restaurant in the truck stop on exit 104 of westbound 94.  Now that I have decided to try vegan, breakfast looks a little different, but it's still a blessing to sit down and chat with my coach and mentor.  I love our conversation and the chance to relax over a cup of coffee before the craziness of the day begins. Thank God for breakfast with coach! Lord, thank you for my coaching partner and friend.  Thank you for our relaxing time int he mornings before meets.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 989 -- Feel Good Friday

This year, I am trying to give something the kids to feel good about every Friday.  I want to showcase something that gives warm fuzzies, inspiration, or encouragement. This is what I showed today: I was so thankful to see that the kids were moved and I am excited to see what future Fridays have in store. Thank God for Feel Good Friday! Lord, thank you for the chance to spread a little love today.  Thank you for the encouragement of this story and for its message to all of us.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 988-plans

For the past couple of nights, the Sharp family has been so exhausted that we have done little more then turn on the TV, eat dinner, flap on the couch, and go to bed. It has been an exhausting week. So, this afternoon, when I looked in my calendar and saw that we had plans to go to a friends house and go swimming in the evening, I was a little apprehensive. After all, this would require more activity than the rest of the week combined.  After settling in at our friends house, however, we soon realized that this was exactly what we needed.  The kids were able to be outside, hang out with their friends, and get some fresh air. Colby an icon on the other hand, we're able to relax, talk with other adults, and enjoy being any place other than our own filthy chaotic house. I am so thankful that we were able to spend this time with some great friends and get the relaxation we didn't expect to. Thank God for plans! Lord, thank you for an unexpected way to relax and have fun tonig...

Day 987-chairs

So, the past couple of days have been really great in my new classroom. I have so enjoyed getting to know my new students, and to see the students that I had last year come in and say hi. The only downfall, however, of my new room is the fact that there was nowhere for the kids to sit. The tall chairs that were ordered to fit the new lab desks were not in yet. So the kids have been standing at their lab desks. All hour. It makes classroom management more difficult than I had anticipated. Today, during sixth-hour the new chairs arrived! We took a break so that the kids could help bring them down to the room. I am so thankful that tomorrow I can face the day with all the students being able to sit.  Thank God for chairs! Lord, thank you that we didn't have to go to long without chairs. Thank you that the school year can now get underway someone normally. Thank you for my job, I love what I do! Amen.

Day 986 -- First Day

This momma was a little sad and a lot proud of her three little ducklings today as they started their first days of 1st grade, kindergarten, and preschool, respectively. A little sad and a lot proud equals extremely emotional. I can't say much, other than that they all did great. Breslin was more excited than either Colby and I have ever seen him. AJ was cool, calm, and collected, showing me around her new room and shooing me away with a hug and kiss goodbye. Dharia had a bit of a meltdown when she realized that Colby wasn't going to be staying with her in the classroom, but walked by his classroom a couple of hours later and gave him a big thumbs up. I have some pictures. Dharia even made the Jackson Citizen Patriot's article about back-to-school. I am so thankful for my beautiful kiddos, who make like more full and a more satisfying, wonderful adventure. Thank God for our first day! Lord, thank you for these kids.  Thank you for h...

Day 985 -- Helpers

Today, I was working in my room, when my dear friends April and Brian showed up, ready to help. Just when I thought there was no way that I was going to have my room in any kind of shape to have students and was feeling the pressure of being fully overwhelmed, they walked in and helped me to knock it out in just a couple of hours. Not only am I incredibly grateful for their help, but I am immensely thankful that I was able to just see and be with them.  It always does my heart good just to be around these two, and that was just the medicine I needed to face this week. Thank God for my helpers! Lord, thank you for April and Brian and for everything they do for me.  Thank you for these amazing friends you have given me.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Day 984 -- Able to Help

Today as I was driving home from Traverse City, I was in a sleepy-driving near-coma.  I was approaching the Lake Lansing Road exit when I saw a car on the side of the road with its flashers on.  Two people were next to the car, and one was waving his hands wildly.  I slammed on my brakes and pulled up behind them. It turns out that the pair were just some high school students with a flat tire who were trapped without a phone.  They had their spare, but no tire iron to help change it.  All they really needed was a phone.  I happily lent them my phone and stayed until I had confirmation that their dad was on his way to pick them up. It's not often that I am able to help in these situations, but I'm glad that I was able to offer at least some assistance today.  And, you know what?  I had no trouble staying awake the rest of the way home.  It was like it snapped me right out of my zombie-like state. Thank God I was able to help! Lord, tha...