Day 69 -- Bedtime Prayer
At my bridal shower for Dharia, my pastor's wife and good friend gave me a very wise piece of advice that I will never forget. She told me to pray with my children, not just for them. In the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to do this with both of the older two kids. Before bed, I have been asking Breslin what he is thankful for. When he gives me his answer, he prays a short, simple prayer thanking Jesus for whatever it is that he has decided to be thankful for that day. Then, I pray with him, re-thanking my Father for this as well, thanking him for my Breslin, and whatever else is on my heart at the moment. It's really a lovely way to end the day with my son. Actually, it would be a lot lovelier if he actually went to bed after this. Lately, he seems to think this means he is entitled to get up and walk downstairs about five times before it's really bed time. Very predictable, mildly annoying. Anyway, tonight, Breslin was thankful for the story "Ja